What is #breakthemold all about?

The #breakthemold (#älämahdumuottiin in Finnish) - project is a non-profit art project that aims to increase equality, empathy, and understanding in the world.

The project was founded 2017 by 2 professional photographers Niina Stolt and Mirkku Merimaa. Together with 12 of their collegues they have photographed almost 1200 individuals nude with a plastic mannequin torso to show how different, yet equally important and valuable we all are.

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“We live in an era where absurd standards of beauty are not only nearly impossible to achieve for the average person, they marginalize and discount the diversity of the many shapes and sizes we all come in. Therefore, when I was first approached for this project, I was enthralled to lend my support. However, I found that the mannequins being used were all white. That would not be an issue if we were all evaluated equally in this world, but we are not.”



How does the photo shoot work?

We will take a #breakthemold -picture of you to promote equality, tolerance, collaboration, and self-acceptance. The photo shoot is free of charge.

You will be naked in the picture with a mannequin torso (panties are allowed) and we have arranged a quiet dressing room you.

There are four mannequins for shooting, you can choose between black and white and female and male figures. You can also be in the picture together with your friends, family or colleagues.

Where are the pictures published?

The pictures will be published on our websites www.alamahdumuottiin.fi and www.breakthemold.fi and on facebook www.facebook.com/alamahdumuottiin & instagram www.instagram.com/alamahdumuottiin and www.instagram.com/breakthemoldart and from theese the pictures are free to be downloaded for your own use. The pictures will also be part of different exhibitions and one of our dreams is to make a giant collage of the pictures to be shown on Times Square or some other visible space.

How long does the photo shoot take?

Shooting takes a couple of minutes per person, you do NOT need to book in advance. However, be prepared to wait for a while as there might be a queue.

We are wholeheartedly involved in this project and we strongly believe that everyone is good and valuable just the way they are and we hope as many people as possible will join us on this journey towards a more equal, emphatic and understanding world.